Vegetarian biscuit and fruit smoothies

Do you know how to include more fruit in your day to day? Fruit smoothies are an ideal proposal for breakfast, mid-afternoon, or after a workout. We are going to give you 3 vegetarian smoothies made from biscuits and fruit that we are sure you are going to love. Make a note of these easy proposals!

3 vegetarian smoothies recipes for all the family

Creamy banana and biscuit smoothie

Ingredients (serves 4):


  1. Peel the bananas and cut into thin slices.
  2. Using a mixer blend the bananas with the oat milk and Chia Digestive Bio Organic biscuits.
  3. Add the chia seeds, stir thoroughly with a spoon, and leave to stand for 30 minutes in the fridge.
  4. Stir the smoothie again using a spoon and serve.

Notes: You can also add the chia seeds to the blending mix and leave the smoothie to stand for 30 minutes before drinking it. It is important to soak the chia seeds before eating them. You’ll see that they acquire a jelly-like texture.

Pear and cinnamon smoothie

Ingredients (serves 4):


  1. Peel the pears and cut into slices.
  2. Using a mixer blend the pear slices into the rice milk and Gullon Bio Organic Oaty Fruit Digestive biscuits.
  3. Add the dessert spoon of cinnamon powder. Serve.

Notes: You can also use a little cocoa powder instead of cinnamon, it makes a delicious smoothie and the kids at home will love it. This smoothie can also be made with almond milk rather than rice milk. You choose!

Strawberry, coconut, and chocolate smoothie

Ingredients (serves 4):


  1. Wash the strawberries and cut into little slices.
  2. Using a mixer blend the strawberries into the coconut milk and Gullon Bio Organic Oaty Choc Digestive biscuits.
  3. Add the dessert spoon of cocoa powder. Serve.

Notes: You can use bananas instead of strawberries or combine bananas and strawberries. Try it out with other exotic fruits such as mango or papaya. Athletes will appreciate the reenergising qualities of this smoothie.

As you can see, vegetarian smoothies are an easy to make option that can come in many different forms. Combining non-dairy milk (rice, oat, coconut, etc.) with biscuits and fruit gives us many different options for both kids and adults alike.

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